《天使投资》英文版第一卷电子书刚在 亚马逊Kindle 发布:
《天使投资》英文版第一卷 “Angel Investment” Book Volume 1 电子书 刚在 亚马逊Kindle 发布: http://smarturl.it/Angv1 !
请给我意见或反馈 http://ts.webplus.com, http://twitter.com/victong, info@webplus.com.
2014年3月1日,我在UC Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校商学院MBA的亚洲商业年会演讲:http://berkeleyabc.org/
这是个很好在美国发布《Angel Investment》新书的活动。
Victor Tong
angel.webplus.com , ts.webplus.com
weibo.com/usavc, twitter.com/victong
PS: Without any advertising, the Chinese version of “Angel Investment” is the #1 bestseller in China about investment and startups in China. Now it has been adapted to English-speaking audiences. Learn how to start a business, innovate, find good people, avoid risks, raise money, tell truth from lies, do due diligence, negotiate, invest, and succeed in China and the U.S. This is the first volume in a series of 3 volumes. It will also show you how to conduct due diligence in China on your investors, investees, business partners, employees, government officials, significant others, etc. How can you protect yourself and how do you value companies, products and services, and investment when people cannot be trusted, products can be knockoffs, deals can be scams, and once trusted partners can betray you? The book will show you what makes Guanxi or mutual relationship work for your maximum advantage, and what motivates your Chinese partners to help you achieve mutual success.
